After a quick sale of our Sherman Oaks home and a short stay with Grandma 'Rene and Pampa, we moved into a rental house in Kingsburg. The house is in the country and walking distance to Clay School, which is where we wanted Kara to start Kindergarten in the fall.

The home's owner, Jeff, was worried that moving from Los Angeles, we might not like country-living...

But the kids are loving all of the wide-open land, being able to walk through the fields (like they did at Grandma and Pampa's house) and being able to see their cousins and friends more easily.

Ben and Kara are experienced fruit pickers and we pick oranges from the tree outside of the house at the end of our excursions.

We're adjusting to life in the Central Valley, missing friends in southern California, but feeling very lucky to have some new friends here. Today Kara asked Jeff if she could put her carseat in the back of his truck :) She may turn out to be a country-girl yet!