Saturday, October 10, 2009


We've been going to the park on Saturday mornings and have become friends with Penny and her parents. I talked with Penny's mom about how meeting kids and their parents at the park is like being on the dating scene... Do I ask for the phone number? Do we really intend to meet up again or are we just getting the phone number with no intention of calling? It's really funny... In any case, I think we've got a standing Saturday morning date whenever we're in town. It's been great to watch the girls together.... so sweet.

Just like my sister

Ben is all over the place, crawling as fast as his chunky, little legs will take him. He follows us around the house and sometimes it seems as soon as he gets to where Kara is, she's moves into another room and he's off again... following her lead.

Ben found the big window for the first time, which was so reminiscent of when Kara did the same thing when she was about his age...

This one is actually Kara...

And here's our Ben. Gotta love it.

Pull Ups and Big Girl Panties

Kara is on her way to being potty trained, which is very exciting for all of us!

And she's keeping up with what's happening in the world.