Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays!!

We  had a great visit with the Wank family as they made their way down to southern California and the kids got their first exposure to Hanukkah with an impromptu banana menorah! 

In the Kozuki household, it never quite felt like Christmas until the sugar cookies appeared... so last night the kids helped Tantie decorate our traditional Christmas cookies.  

Though we always thought they were candy canes, Jason quickly found all of the "J" cookies, which he thought were for him.  Given that inspiration, how could we resist creating a few letters of our own?

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday, Kara!

How time flies... we were talking about how we thought there was a chance that Kara might be a Christmas baby, since my due date was mid-December and we weren't sure if she'd be late... but knowing it would stress me out thinking about how we'd get back to Parlier for Christmas, Kara was born early and at eight years old, she is obsessed with time and never being late.

It was a back-to-school morning, but we managed to have some of Kara's favorites for her birthday breakfast.

Over the weekend, Kara celebrated her birthday with some of her friends...

We knew her actual birthday would be a busy day.  We were at school in the morning to celebrate both Kara and Ben's birthdays and then after school, Kara went to KCAPS for her weekly volunteer duties.  Then it was off to soccer practice and dinner out with the family.  Good thing Mrs. Boyd gives out a Homework Pass on your birthday!

We had to stop at Yogurtland on the way home because no birthday celebration can be complete without something sweet!

Our little birthday babies have been busy these past few days... it has been Lego central at our house.  Ben built the Millennium Falcon and the Star Wars Republic Gunship.  Kara built a shopping mall, cruise ship and beach house.  The Legos have definitely kept them busy and entertained.  I think the hardest part is trying to keep Jason's little hands away from all of the masterpieces!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday, Ben!

Ben has been looking forward to his birthday for a long time... and the day finally arrived!  He was so excited for his first birthday party that he didn't want to eat breakfast, but we made him a plate anyway.

Since Ben and Kara's birthdays are so close and they both enjoy Legos, we decided to have a combined party with a Lego demo.

A few of Ben's friends were out of town for the holiday weekend, but Ben had lot of fun with Luke, Chase and Adam.

Dessert, Legos and Star Wars is definitely a winning combination for our Ben!

It's hard to believe that Ben is already six... He is reading, playing the piano, and learning how to skateboard.  He loves making his own Lego creations.  He has 8th grade friends that he plays soccer with.  He is growing up fast!

On Thanksgiving, out of the blue, he came down with a fever and while he was lying on my lap he said, "Mom, I still feel little.  Maybe we can find Neverland so that I can just stay little."  He is so sweet.... that's why he'll always be my sugar.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

We moved!

It has been a busy few weeks, but we are moved!  It's hard to believe that three years has gone by so quickly... We have made wonderful friends and great memories at the Saginaw house and I will definitely miss the window waves.

But we are already loving life in the Academy house and know that we'll have lots of good times here for years and years to come.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Just Treats

We knew there was rain in the forecast on Halloween, so we had already prepared the kids that we might not be able to trick or treat...

Auntie Charlyse invited us over for a pre-trick-or-treat party and it was fun to see all the little ones dressed up.

Ryland, who just turned two, was decked out for the occasion, as were Auntie Charlyse and Uncle Scott.

Ryland has a track record for enjoying the company of older girls... and with Kara being the oldest kid of the bunch, she had a side kick for most of the evening.

It was a great time, as we were able to do some trick or treating before it began to rain, and more importantly, we got to spend some time with our friends.

On the way home, I told Kara what a good sport she was to let Ryland walk with her hand in hand and Jason said, "thank you, Mommy, for walking with me and keeping me safe."  Ahh... my own sweet treat.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Big Day!

Kara and Ben started piano lessons in late June and today they had their first recital!  With Halloween just around the corner, it was a Halloween themed event.

Both of the kids played a solo piece, a duet with their teacher and then they played a song together. 

Though they both said they were nervous, they did very well.  

Before the piano recital, the kids had soccer games and Ben scored his first goal!

And since you can't have only two kids leave the house in costume, we woke Jason from his nap to get ready to go to the recital and the only thing that held off the tears and whining was the promise that he could be Thor.

Between soccer and piano, we spent a little time at the Academy house putting furniture together because now that the paint has dried... it's time to move!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What, it's not Tuesday?

It has been and is going to be a crazy, crazy week... Our trash gets picked up on Wednesday mornings and on Monday night, I rolled the trash can out to the street.  Sho asked why I was taking out the trash a day early.  Only then did I realize it was only Monday! 

It's deja vu because it's October and Clay's Fall Festival is rapidly approaching and Kara is on crutches!  At least nothing's broken this time. 

We have a painter starting Friday and we still have not found the right paint colors.

But even though it's been really busy and I have stress tension in my shoulders like I've never had before, I have to take a moment to share some highlights...

Sho and I celebrated our 10th anniversary last Thursday.  I was out of town for work the days before and we both had meetings to attend on Thursday night, but on Friday night, Sho surprised me and made us an incredibly delicious, very thoughtful meal... The meal consisted of some of our favorite dishes from various places and restaurants we've visited in our years of marriage.  I rarely write about us on this blog, but I just had to share how incredibly touched I was when I saw this menu and how lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband...

On Saturday morning, it was back to the routine... three soccer games!  Kara and Ben's teams are both doing really well and the kids themselves are giving us lots to cheer about.  It's been fun.  Hopefully Kara's foot is healed soon so she can be back on the field.

In preparation for our move to the Academy house, Grandpa is putting cement down the driveway.  Even though it meant having the kids be late to school for the first time ever, we thought it was worth it to mark this day permanently.

The kids got to put their handprints in the cement, something I've never done, but Sho and I both agreed that it was an opportunity we could not pass up.

So now we will always have this reminder of how little they were once upon a time... 

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Today started our 10-week string of soccer Saturdays.  Kara and Ben were both excited for their first games.

Kara had a rough season last year... I don't think they won a single game.  But this season looks to be much more exciting!  Last year, Kara primarily played the position of defender, but Coach Javier thinks Kara has good skills and encouraged her to be a forward.

Ben played goalie and I think he found his calling.  He stopped three balls, did great throw-ins and he doesn't have to run!  All he needs now is a big tree to provide shade and he'll be all set.

Even Jason got into the spirit and wore Ben's old uniform to the game, just to be like the big kids.  Jason patiently sat through three soccer games... because after Kara's game, I found out she had a second game and we ended up being at the soccer field for four straight hours!

And good thing... because in her second game, Kara scored her first goal!!!  And with her left foot, I might add... only because she does when she tells the story.

Though they technically don't keep score (though everyone parent does), Kara's team won both their games.

Not a bad way to start the season!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Can I Stay With You?

This morning I told Jason that he was going back to preschool today and he replied, "but can I stay with you?"  Fortunately, he went to school without any drama or tears.

He's definitely growing up... when I asked him to stand with Kara and Ben for his first day of school picture, he insisted on posing with his hand on his hip.

Jason's teachers from last year commented on how much he's grown and how big he looks now... His new teacher confirmed that he is very talkative.  This is Jason's post-school picture after his outside play time and drinks at the water fountain.  He used to need a step stool, but today I saw him on his tippy toes getting water "all by myself".

At bedtime, Jason came and asked if he could sleep with me... I told him he was such a big boy and asked why he needs sleep in my room.  He quickly replied in his little voice, "because I your baby."  I'm already wondering how much of an emotional mess I'll be when it's his time for kindergarten.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Let's Go To School!

On the first day of school, there was no need for an alarm clock... for anyone.  Kara woke us up at 6:10am, fully dressed, even with her tennis shoes on.  Ben followed at 6:45am with his clothes and backpack on asking, "is it time to go to school?"

Since they were up so early, there was plenty of time to have breakfast and even practice the piano before we made the short drive down the street.

We stayed until the school-wide morning announcements and flag salute were done and watched the kids head on to their classrooms... Some kindergarteners looked a little nervous or sad, but Ben was all smiles.

Both kids said the best part of the day was seeing their friends and both seem very excited for the upcoming year.

I'm sure there will be many more celebratory root beer floats and smiles throughout the school year.  Next root beer float is tomorrow for Mommy... Jason goes back to preschool!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Last Hurrah

School starts tomorrow, but before summer is officially over, we were lucky to get together with the Zarates one last time for a family play date. 

The kids rode around on their vehicles... and since the peach trees surrounding the house got pulled out, there is a lot of open road!

And though it was getting a little late and close to bath and bed time, we could not resist one last shave ice before summer comes to an end. 

Don't get me wrong, shave ice is always in season for our family.  And who can say no to those faces??

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Everything is Awesome!

We found out that Lego enthusiasts would be gathering in Santa Clara today to showcase their creations and since we have some Lego-lovers of our own, we made a quick trip to check it out!

We all enjoyed walking around the convention center to see all of the Lego creations.

Some of the displays were things the kids recognized immediately and it was fun to see them made of Legos...

Some were winners in our book because they used so many of the clear Legos...

And some were just amazing because of their size and detail and we cannot even fathom how long it took to create and how they were even able to be transported!

It was a really fun experience.  Before we left, I asked Ben what he liked best and in The Lego Movie-fashion, he replied, "everything is awesome!"

And though we wanted to hurry home to get back to Jason (and make sure Grandma was still standing), the kids enjoyed a sweet treat with Uncle Ross before our trip home.

The kids could not wait to get home to play with their newly acquired Lego minifigures.  We were excited to find Padme, Princess Leia and the Ninjago guys sold solo.  Now we don't have to buy the $400 Death Star!  Everything IS awesome!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Little Treasures

Jason woke up this morning and I greeted him with "Happy Birthday, Jason!" to which he replied, "Happy Birthday, Mommy!"

The morning got off to a good start.  Jason watched his favorite show, Octonauts.  Since I still had to frost our little Octonauts cake, Jason got to lick the cream cheese frosting from the beaters.

And then it was some cake for breakfast before we headed out to Chuck E. Cheese.  As we sat around the table eating cake, Jason asked, "you like my birthday cake?" and when we said that we did, he reminded us "it's not Ben's cake, it's not Mommy's cake, it's not Daddy's cake, it's not Grandma's cake, it's not Kara's cake... it's my cake."

Jason could not wait for his birthday because he had been promised he could race cars to his heart's content.

I don't know who likes Chuck E. Cheese more...

The Arakawa family joined us to celebrate.  We sat at the table to start lunch and Jason asked, "where's my birthday hat?" and had Sho get it from the car.  The funniest part is that as Andrea and I were sorting things for Saturday morning's rummage sale, she found a donated Chuck E. Cheese birthday crown and insisted I bring it home to Jason.  What they say is true, one person's junk is another person's treasure!

And after a busy morning, our big boy reminded us that he is still our little baby.  Happy 3rd Birthday to our little Jason.