Monday, February 7, 2011

What's New.....

It sometimes seems like really, not much has changed... but I know both of the kids are growing and learning and changing...

Kara enjoys spending her time coloring, drawing, writing her letters and reading books. She does a great job coloring and is often her own worst critic if she happens to color outside of a line... she pouts and says she needs to start over. Quite the perfectionist.

Ben is talking up a storm these days! He's put together sentences like, "Daddy, me window down please" or "Go to Grandma's house right now." He definitely understands 'right now' and 'later' because if he asks to do something, like watch Cars and the answer to right now is 'no', then he says, "later, right, Momma?"

What has not changed, besides those bear-towels, is how much we love to watch them togehter... to see the kids spontaneously hug, to hear Ben say "sorry, Ka-wa bug", to watch Kara help feed her little brother, the dance parties in the living room..... absolutely the best!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just took a chance that there might be some new pictures and the delight has warmed me to my toes on this chilly afternoon. Thanks for the new pics. Grandma wants to see Ben "right now" too!