Friday, March 8, 2013

Pinkies! Popcorn!

It seems like spring has come early... all of the blossoms are out and it is my favorite time of year in the Central Valley.  And since some of the blossoms have already turned to leaves, I find myself pointing out all the "pinkies" and white "popcorn" blossoms to the kids.  I recently told my mom that I don't think I appreciated this as a child, but the kids definitely know about the blossoms... So before it started to rain and before Kara's Jog-a-thon, I made the kids stand in the spot where we took our New Year's card photo to capture them with the blossoms...

And then it was off to the Jog-a-thon!  The kindergarteners had been practicing running laps and in her practices, Kara seemed to run a consistnent 8 laps.  I've always said, our kids might not be the fastest runners, but they sure do look like the happiest!

Kara really loves her school... and really wanted to raise money for her school... She must have been sandbagging or just really inspired on Thursday, because she finished 15 laps!!

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