Saturday, January 3, 2015

Snow Day!

We were invited to join the Kozuki and Ikemiya cousins for a snow day.  Since there was so little snow last season, our kids were eager to take a day trip.

Claire was kind enough to make Jason some perfect snowballs, which he quickly smashed or threw to the ground.

James initiated the idea of building forts and walls to prepare for the eventual snow ball fight.  He's also the cousin that is good to the little ones, making sure everyone is included and having fun.

Sho had a lot of work to do and couldn't take the day off, but fortunately Fun Uncle Todd was in town and was able join us for our snow day.

After a few hours in the snow, everyone enjoyed the yummy snacks and food.  And once you're sitting near the heaters with a plate of food... it's hard to leave your chair!

Kara and Elyse found their own snack spot up on a rock and enjoyed the views from up top.

After lunch, Jason remembered reading about snow angels in the book "Peter's Snowy Day" and tried a few times to make snow angels of his own.

It was a great day full of fun and family... our kids are already asking when we can go again!

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