Monday, June 29, 2015

Sayonara to Medaka no Gakko...

Week 2 of Gakko was also a busy one... Our group split up and visited three local rest homes as part of a service project.  The kids introduced themselves in Japanese, presented a project they made and also sang the school song.  It was a nice outing and the residents really seemed to enjoy interacting with the kids.

Even Jason was comfortable to share his koi project with the residents and show them where he wrote his name, where the tape was and that this fish was for Boy's Day.

Thursday night was Open House where each class did their own thing... Kara and Ben's classes sang a few songs.  Jason's class introduced themselves and we were so proud of Jason that he introduced himself in Japanese and also introduced some of his friends who were too shy to step up to the microphone.

Saturday was the Undokai, where the kids split into two teams and competed in several events...

And though Ben wasn't feeling super well, he rallied and did a good job for his team.

Following Undokai, we decided to host a post-party at our house.  It was nice to have time where we could all just relax and enjoy each others company without having to discuss the plans for the next day.

I  know the kids loved their two weeks at Gakko... they had a lot of fun and enjoyed the time they got to spend with their cousins and friends. 

And now that Gakko is over... what do we do??  We don't have to wake up and be out of the house by 7:45!  So this morning, we pulled out the empty cardboard paper towel and toilet paper rolls... got the tape out and now everyone has their own custom-made light sabers!  Summer vacation is here!

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