Friday, May 20, 2016

Twinkle Award

Jason has been taking piano lessons along with Kara and Ben.  He started with just a 5 minute lesson and now his lessons are just about as long as Kara and Ben's.  Like the older kids, if he plays a song perfectly, with no mistakes, he earns a polished rock because the it's a "polished" piece that he has "rocked."

Jason got his four polished rocks when he learned the four Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star variations.  Next was playing all four of them in a row, with no mistakes.

Each lesson he had one chance to play the four variations perfectly... and week by week he got closer and closer... There was some pouting.  There were some tears.  But Jason earned his Twinkle Award!

When he got his trophy, you would have thought he was Steph Curry with a unanimous MVP award.  He kissed the trophy, many times.  He held it up high in the air.  He rubbed it on his cheek.  He said, "I love it.  This is what I've been wanting my whole life." 

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