Sunday, December 25, 2016

Is today the day?

Jason woke up this morning and asked, "is today the day?"  The kids have been patiently waiting for Christmas to arrive... and this morning they were up somewhere in the 4am hour. 

Talk about patient - the rule is that they cannot open their stocking or any of the gifts until everyone is up.  So it was a long wait until the rest of the house was up around 7am.

Ben sat by his stocking, looking at it and saying, "I just want to touch it."

Each of them got a new shirt... and many other great gifts that they have already started to enjoy.

This year there was a departure from our usual Kozuki celebration.  Instead of turkey and stuffing on Christmas Eve, we had a bunch of appetizers and a burrito/taco/nacho bar.  Grandma and Grandpa left this morning to head to Santa Barbara for an anniversary celebration for their friends, so the house is already a bit more quiet.  It's not even noon and Jason is already taking a nap...

But my consistent memory of Kozuki Christmas is sugar cookies... fortunately, the next generation enjoy decorating (and eating) sugar cookies, so regardless of what we have for dinner, I am confident that Kozuki Christmas will be around for many years to come.

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