Friday, March 3, 2017

Run, run, run....

The past few weeks (and weekends) have been busy... I've had to drive, drive, drive for three weekends to LA for work with two weekends left.  This is NOT the kind of madness I like in March!

Fortunately, one of the events I had to do was one where Kara could come and help out.  It's fun to have her by my side and when she's not there, people now ask, "where's your daughter?"

On the drive home, we stopped in Japanese town for yummy udon (the kind we waited an hour and a half for!) and fortunately, there were lots of places for window shopping and snacking while we waited.

The next weekend, Kara had her Suzuki Book 2 recital, where she played the entire book, which I think is about twelve songs, all by memory.  I know she did well, even though I wasn't sitting in the audience.

I was able to meet up with the family for a celebratory dinner and yes, Kara ordered a sashimi plate.  She is definitely growing up.

Clay held their annual jog-a-thon today and it's always a great event where the kids are out there "doing" something to earn money for the school they love.  In previous years, it's been a bit of a competition to see who runs the most laps.

Kara finished with 19 laps...

And Ben worked hard to run his goal of 20 laps this year!

And though it's back to LA today for me... I could not let the day go by without a sweet treat on Girls Day for my girl (and of course the boys). 

Just keep running, just keep running!

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