Monday, November 20, 2017

Thankful, Grateful and Full

Clay had their annual Thanksgiving Feast and for the first time, all of the kids were there to be with their friends and enjoy a meal together in celebration of Thanksgiving. 

Each class makes a placemat and each class has a long, decorated table at which to dine...

As you can see, Jason is loving school and he's happy to finally have his own friends (and playdates and birthday parties to attend).

I'm sure one of these days, Jason and Mason are gonna look at this innocent kindergarten "cheers" and have a good laugh.

Ben is still a sweet, smart, and sensitive little guy... and now that he's in third grade, he finally (to his delight) gets letter grades.  During parent-teacher conferences last week, we learned that he's getting straight As.  His first trimester reading goal (set by his teacher) was 10 points.  Ben finished the trimester with 104 points.  Overachiever??

Kara is also doing really well at school.  She came home with an A+ report card and no report of being too strong in her "leadership skills" during group work.  Ha, ha.

We know we have so much to be thankful for... One of the kids asked after watching a movie with Santa Claus, whether I believed in Thanksgiving.  My reply is that yes, we should be thankful and grateful every single day.  With these beautiful children, the wonderful friends they have, and their health and happiness, our plates (of gratitude) are definitely full.

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