Friday, August 8, 2014

Little Treasures

Jason woke up this morning and I greeted him with "Happy Birthday, Jason!" to which he replied, "Happy Birthday, Mommy!"

The morning got off to a good start.  Jason watched his favorite show, Octonauts.  Since I still had to frost our little Octonauts cake, Jason got to lick the cream cheese frosting from the beaters.

And then it was some cake for breakfast before we headed out to Chuck E. Cheese.  As we sat around the table eating cake, Jason asked, "you like my birthday cake?" and when we said that we did, he reminded us "it's not Ben's cake, it's not Mommy's cake, it's not Daddy's cake, it's not Grandma's cake, it's not Kara's cake... it's my cake."

Jason could not wait for his birthday because he had been promised he could race cars to his heart's content.

I don't know who likes Chuck E. Cheese more...

The Arakawa family joined us to celebrate.  We sat at the table to start lunch and Jason asked, "where's my birthday hat?" and had Sho get it from the car.  The funniest part is that as Andrea and I were sorting things for Saturday morning's rummage sale, she found a donated Chuck E. Cheese birthday crown and insisted I bring it home to Jason.  What they say is true, one person's junk is another person's treasure!

And after a busy morning, our big boy reminded us that he is still our little baby.  Happy 3rd Birthday to our little Jason.

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