Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pinkies and Popcorns

This is my favorite time of year... all of the trees are blossoming and there are beautiful colors all around.  Since this is now our third spring in the central valley, the kids all know how much I love all the blossoms and so they point out all of the "pinkies" and "popcorn" we see as we drive along...

Kara has been my assistant basketball coach and the season ends on Monday after the league tournament, but Kara will still be playing basketball until her tournament in June.  She's proud of her one-handed-good-form shot and on her own will ask to go outside and practice.  Kara got a jersey, which ended up being number 30.  Sho came home and explained they didn't my have my old basketball number or his basketball number, so she randomly got 30.  Kara replied that she wanted 30 because that's Stephen Curry's number and he's a really good shooter.  Wow, who knew she was paying attention when we watch basketball on TV.  Sho and I were both very proud.

Ben is continuing to read his Star Wars books and is ready for kindergarten registration next month.  He loves building ships and vehicles out of Legos and has all the sound effects to go along with his creations.  Today at dinner Sho told Ben that he could not do movie quotes while sitting at the dinner table... but I know Sho's probably smiling inside that Ben, just like Sho, can remember these random movie quotes and makes himself laugh when he recites them.  

Jason is talking non-stop.  And usually very loudly.  I was gone for two days and I felt like his speech changed so much while I was away... He is big, just a big kid.  He runs around yelling, if he has his sword he's swinging it and if he's without sword, he's channeling his magic powers through his hands and directing it towards people, taking them by surprise.  Jason's voice is precious... I love his little voice.  Especially when he's responding to say "I love you too."

Just like this sweet spot of perfect weather and beautiful blossoms, I know this time is short and we must enjoy it while we can.

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