Sunday, July 20, 2014

Parlier Obon

This year we were a little more involved in the Parlier Obon... Sho was the lead in getting 408 pounds of pork ordered, cooked and ready to serve for 600 bento boxes.  Like all of the food Sho makes, it was delicious. 

And just to make things a little more fun, we purchased a DIY shirt screening kit to make our own t-shirts for Sho's shave ice crew!

The last time I silk screened a shirt was probably in 7th grade, but we watched the included instructional video and were able to do a two color screen!  I was worried because the video was long and the guy in the video had a shirt that read "Don't Give Up", but it ended up being a fun project.  And now that we own the screen printing kit, sky's the limit!

Thankfully, Todd was able to make it home so he could help Sho with the shave ice booth.  Though all of the obons sell sno cones of some sort, Parlier's shave ice is hard to beat!

Ben learned a handful of the dances this year and happily danced to those songs during obon.  Jason spent most of his time playing on an iPad next to his BF.

The most exciting part of obon is that Kara was asked to dance on the yagura (stage) this year.  I venture to guess that she is probably the youngest dancer to grace the yagura.  She was all smiles and she did really well... so proud of our little Kara!

After a successful obon season, it's time for vacation!  Maui, here we come!

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