Friday, November 6, 2015

Suckers for Star Wars...

With the new Star Wars movie coming out, I knew this was going to be a rough year... but I figured that would be in the toy department.  Who knew that there would be Star Wars everywhere you look!

Though we usually only have one type of creamer in the refrigerator, I was pretty easily talked into trying a new flavor.

And when we were strolling down the baking aisle at the grocery store, it was impossible to pass up the Star Wars molds for JELL-O!

And while at Home Depot, where we went just to get a key ring for a project, we happened to see the Darth Vader key and justified getting it because really, who doesn't need an extra house key?

Ben has already asked how old he needs to be to have his own key to the house... and when you see that little toothless smile, it's hard to turn him down!

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